Max Displays Green screen pop up wall is very easy and quick to setup when you need a green screen wall for your photos. They can fold into small carry bag to fit in the boot or front seat of your car yet can open up to 6m wide wall.
Greenscreen technology, along with its sister, bluescreen, relies on a very simple principle: their bold coloration is not found in skin tones and, for that reason, software can be used to easily target and eliminate the colour, leaving you with a selection of the important parts of your image, which can then be magically placed against another, separately photographed and idyllic new background. The technique has been used in video for years (known as Chroma Key), and you see it in action every night on the news when the weatherperson stands in front of a map and tells you (with a great deal of error in my part of the country) the forecast for the next few days. The “map” that’s being discussed does not actually exist behind the newscaster—it’s a separate graphic that’s digitally inserted into the green or blue field behind that bearer of good or bad news
Please go to Maxdisplays Hightail link below to upload files
- The uploader can accommodate files sized up to 2GB.
- You will be sent e-proofs to review for a final approval before production.
- All graphics must be approved by the client before they go into production.
- Recommended Browser: Firefox
- If you do experience an issues with the uploader, please call us on +61 2 9011 6785
- Please include company name.
Questions? Please email us at